LED Compatibility Email

Hello Customer,

Please visit the following Leviton internet links to find detailed answers to any questions concerning LED-compatibility of Leviton dimming systems:

What you will find is that the bulbs you choose must include the following specifications:

That really is all there is to it.

Now, since there are thousands of LED manufacturers worldwide, we are not able to have a specific, confirmed list of which LED fixtures work best with which Leviton dimmers, as these judgments are subjective.

It may be best to run your own tests:

You may need to consult with the manufacturer of the LED fixtures to determine whether their devices are Forward or Reverse Phase, as this critical information may be left out of their data sheets. If Reverse Phase bulbs have already been purchased/installed, a PE500 Power Extender may be used to make them compatible.

If flickering or other unexpected behavior occurs while dimming, the issue may be that not enough wattage is being used. This is caused by not having enough resistance on the line. Keep in mind that some dimmers are rated for 2400W per channel. When trying to dim a circuit with a significantly lower-than-maximum rated wattage, there may be dimming issues on the low end. The cure is to add more resistance to the load.

The level of resistance could depend on style of LED chosen. One solution is to leave a 60W or 100W incandescent lamp in the circuit, as a load resistor, hidden off stage. But, regardless of what the performance issue might be, before making any changes to your circuitry, you might just try some different bulbs.

If you are pleased with everything about your bulbs, except for low-end dimming performance, another idea is to go ahead and add a high-wattage Load Resistor (or "Power Resistor") to the circuit. The link provides the required specifications. These resistors can be purchased from online or local electronics distributors. We recommend that the installer include a heat sink or fan when installing, to prolong the life of the Load Resistor.

dhopkins@leviton.com 28 Jun 2019